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The Client/Coaching Relationship: What to Expect

Welcome! I am excited about partnering with you to help you fully achieve goals that you have for your life!

As your coach I am committed to you and your best interests. I will give you my undivided attention, ask

the hard questions, and reflect back to you what I hear. I will challenge and encourage you to explore new

avenues while partnering with you to develop then implement your best plan for success. As we work

together, continue to be ready, willing and able to make changes that will help benefit you not only now but

for long term. Focused and uninterrupted time spent completing assignments may be necessary to help

your transformation.

My strengths in coaching will help you creatively reflect, quickly get to the heart of an issue, develop

practical strategies and motivate you to succeed. I will strive to help you not only achieve what you set out

to do, but also increase self-awareness and attain a healthy balance in life.

You set the agenda of the calls. I will make requests of you. It is your option to accept or reject those

requests, or modify them to make them work for you better. My guarantee to you is that I will do what I say

I will do. The action is up to you. I may at times offer advice, suggestions or opinions but you determine

whether or not you will act upon these offers and you are ultimately responsible for your actions.

If there is a lack of clarity over any issue, question it immediately. I will often ask you to explore ideas that

may be beneficial, but I will not tell you what to do. I will support you in deciding your best course of action.

As your coach, I am a resource and a presence.

Provide yourself with adequate time to progress. Coaching is an investment in yourself. The benefits

multiply themselves for a lifetime. I would recommend finding a way to capture notes, assignments and

learning you have through this process by using a three ring notebook or other organization method.

Coaching is never to be confused with therapy. If I sense there are problems preventing you from moving

forward and counseling seems appropriate, I will tell you. I also require you let me know if you’re working

with or begin working with a mental health professional and that they are aware we are working together.

How to Get the Most from your Coaching Experience

ENJOY IT! You have my full attention. I am trained to not only hear what is in your head, but also

your heart. While your situations may be quite serious in nature, there will be lightness and

laughter on the calls. Working together should be something you look forward to.

BE READY FOR THE CALLS. Fill out the post coaching form after each call and send it back to me

within 24 hours and the prep form at least 24 hours prior to the next session. This saves lots of time

and avoids going through catch up conversation on the call. On those days when you feel frazzled or

not ready for the call, make it anyway, as it can be very valuable in helping you deal with stress.

BE FLEXIBLE. Give e yourself permission to enjoy flexibility.

BE AWARE OF CHANGES. You will find yourself with fewer problems along with increased

effectiveness and satisfaction with your life. You will also find yourself being very clear on what you

want and how to get it.

AVOID TIME FRAMES FOR COACHING. Sometimes people commit (either openly or privately) the

length of time for the coaching relationship. This is generally not a grand idea. My clients tend to

work with me for a long time, as there are new challenges and development issues.

BE REALISTIC. Some coaching sessions will have those “a-ha” moments that help you turn corners,

some provoke new ideas and creative action, and some will simply be times where the above does

not apply, but are just part of the overall process.

KNOW THE POTENTIAL. Each call lasts approximately 45 minutes, but you may reflect on it all

week or month. If you don’t have a focus or a passion right now, we will work on that!

APPLY YOURSELF. Our work will sometimes be very purposeful, goal-directed and dependent on

you doing some ‘homework’. Other times it will be very broad in scope, requiring time in reflection.

Either way, your real growth will come from the work you do in the time between our calls. Make

this a pivotal season of your life!

STAY ORGANIZED: The best way to remember and act upon your fieldwork from call to call and see

your progress is to have a folder and/or notebook to keep your coaching information in. This can be

a digital or hard copy format and would include your: client agreement, pre and post coaching

forms, notes from during your call, conference line information for coach calls, etc.

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